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Details of the Proposed Amendments are as follows:Original Article 147 of the Articles of Association: Article 147 The Company may distribute dividends in the form of: (1) cash; (2) shares.Cash dividends and other distributions of domestic shares shall be paid in RMB yuan. Cash dividends and other distributions of H shares shall be declared in RMB yuan, and paid in Hong Kong dollars in accordance with the PRC rules and regulations governing the control of foreign exchanges.The aggregate amount of distribution of profits in cash of the Company in the most recent three years should not be less than 30 percent of the realized annual distributable profits of the Company in the most recent three years. If the above ratio shall not be attained for any particular reason, the Board should make a special explanatory statement to the general meeting of the Company; if there are circumstances where the shareholders of the Company use the funds of the Company in a manner which violates the regulations, the Company should deduct the cash dividend of those shareholders in order to repay the funds it used.Be amended to:Article 147 The Company shall implement active profit distribution policy, and its profit distribution policy shall maintain continuity and stability. The Companys profit distribution shall focus on providing investors with reasonable investment return as well as maintaining the sustainable development of the Company. (1) In the decision making and argumentation of profit distribution policy, the board of directors and general meetings may consider the opinions of independent directors and public investors, especially minority shareholders, by means such as phone, fax or email. (2) The Company may adopt to distribute profit in cash, in shares or in a combination of both cash and shares or as otherwise permitted by the laws and regulations. The board of directors of the Company may propose the Company to declare interim dividends according to the Companys earnings and capital requirement conditions. Unless otherwise approved by the board of directors after demonstration, for which the independent directors have issued independent opinions, and passed by the supervisory committee by way of resolution, the time interval between any two rounds of dividend distribution shall not be less than six months. (3) Cash dividends and other distributions of the domestic shares shall be paid in RMB. Cash dividends and other distributions of overseas listed foreign shares listed in Hong Kong shall be declared in RMB and paid in Hong Kong dollars in accordance with PRC rules and regulations governing the control of foreign exchanges.(4) Upon the ending of an accounting year, the board of directors shall reasonably propose a profit distribution plan according to the Companys earnings, capital requirement and return to shareholder. In the argumentation of profit distribution plan, the board of directors shall have sufficient discussion with independent directors and supervisors, hear the opinions of minority shareholders through multiple channels, study carefully and discuss in detail the matters concerning the Companys cash dividends distribution, including the right timing and conditions for the distribution, the lowest payout ratio and the conditions for adjustment and the requirements for decision-making procedures. The profit distribution proposal, when being considered by the board of directors and supervisory committee of the Company, shall be subject to the approval by the majority of all directors, the independent directors and all supervisors respectively, in respect of which the independent directors shall issue explicit opinions. After being considered and approved by the board of directors, the profit distribution plan shall be proposed at the general meeting for shareholders approval.(5) If the Company makes a profit for a year, while the board of directors of the Company does not propose any cash dividend plan for the year, the Company shall disclose in its periodic reports the reason(s) thereof and the use of the fund so retained. The independent directors shall issue independent opinion on this issue; (6) In the event that there will be no material investment projects or matters involving material cash outflow, the Company shall in principle make cash dividends distribution once a year on the premise of guaranteeing the normal business operation and long-term development of the Company. The aggregate amount of distribution of profits in cash of the Company in the most recent three years should not be less than 30 percent of the annual average net profit attributable to the holders of the Company in consolidated statements realized in the most recent three years. If the above ratio shall not be attained for any particular reason, the board of directors should make a special explanatory statement to the general meeting of the Company.(7) In the event that adjustments are needed to be made to the Companys profit distribution policy in light of the production and operation conditions, investment planning and long term developments as well as changes in external business environment of the Company, the adjusted profit distribution policy shall comply with the relevant regulations of securities regulatory authorities. The Company should seek the opinions of the independent directors and the supervisory committee of the Company in advance when proposing adjustment to profit distribution policy, and submit to the general meeting of the Company after the approval of the board of directors. Any resolution regarding adjustment to the profit distribution policy proposed at a general meeting for approval shall be passed by more than two-thirds of voting rights represented by the shareholders present at the meeting.The Proposed Amendment will be submitted to the shareholders for approval by way of special resolution at a general meeting.The Company will dispatch a circular containing information relating to, among others, further details of the Proposed Amendment and the general meeting to be held by the Company in due course.The Proposed Amendment has been prepared in both Chinese and English. In the event of any discrepancy between the two versions, the Chinese version shall prevail.By order of the BoardShandong Xinhua Pharmaceutical Company LimitedZhang Daimingp q r t u   x 0 2 4 \  ' 6 = D W ŲxmbWMBM:MBMh+FGCJPJh+FG5CJPJaJh+FGCJPJaJhs5CJaJo(h0~5CJaJo(h/h/CJaJh/h/6CJPJ]aJh/h/CJPJh/h/CJaJnHtHh/h/CJaJnHo(tH$h/h/CJaJmH nHsH tHhh/CJaJ)jh/hg%CJKHUaJnHtHhh/6]aJo(h/h/6CJ]aJq s t u v  x 2 4 Z \ '\Tc$dpXD2a$gd+FG $da$gd$nG$H$gd/ $G$H$a$gd/$7$8$G$H$a$gd]=W ] g p z  '\]^ijkRSTϲÒyodod[o[oh+FGCJaJo(h+FGCJPJaJo(h+FGCJPJaJh+FG5CJaJo(h1<h+FG5CJaJo(h1<h+FGCJaJ)h1<h+FG5CJPJ\aJnHo(tH h1<h+FGCJPJaJnHtHh1<h+FGCJaJo(#h1<h+FGCJPJaJnHo(tH#h1<h+FGCJPJaJnHo(tHh1<h+FGCJPJaJTabcdopst"#DElmr#$GHTUYZbcz{,2ǹǹǹǹǹǹǹǹǹǹǹǹǹǹǹǹǛǛǹǹǹǹǹǹ#h1<h+FGCJPJaJnHo(tHh1<h4iCJaJo(h1<h+FGCJPJaJo(h1<h+FGCJPJaJh1<h+FG5CJh1<h+FG5CJPJnHtH"h1<h+FG5CJPJnHo(tH=2?/]^fgp  $).8=Npquv?@`f,PQlmq~&uz{ h1<h4iCJaJo(#h1<h+FGCJPJaJnHo(tHh1<h+FGCJPJaJo(h1<h+FGCJPJaJN+p^H ##?$%%%%%% <$, 7$8$G$H$^ a$gdlh;$< 7$8$G$H$^ a$gdlh;$7$8$G$H$a$gdlh;$ 7$8$G$H$^ a$gdlh;$dpVDIXD2^a$gd\?$dpXD2a$gd+FGJNOTay#$EF[cotz!*+78>?IJNOUpH L Y ^ m u !/!h1<h+FGCJaJo(#h1<h+FGCJPJaJnHo(tHh1<h+FGCJPJaJo(h1<h+FGCJPJaJN/!C!U!`!a!!!!!!!!!!!!!!"#"R"U"""""""""## # #$#G#O#U#Y#p#q###[%f%%%%%%嵤h#:CJaJo(hlh;hlh;CJaJh1<h\?CJaJo( h1<h+FGCJPJaJnHtH#h1<h+FGCJPJaJnHo(tH#h1<h+FGCJPJaJnHo(tHh1<h+FGCJaJo(h1<h+FGCJPJaJo(h1<h+FGCJPJaJ1%%%%%%< < <<< <$<'<(<)<*<{<|<~<<<<<<<<<<2=3=A=B=F=Y=\=]=ĸthththththththththt\hShsCJaJo(h4ihlh;CJaJo(h4ihlh;CJaJh4ihCJaJhhlh;hlh;CJaJh#:CJaJo(hlh;hlh;CJPJaJh+FGCJaJo(hlh;hlh;CJaJo(hlh;hlh;6CJ]aJUhlh;hlh;6CJ]aJo(hlh;hlh;5CJ\aJo(hlh;hlh;5CJ\aJ$Chairman24 August 2012, Zibo, the PRCAs at the date of this announcement, the Board comprises: Executive Directors:Mr. Zhang Daiming (Chairman)Mr. Du DepingMr. Zhao SongguoIndependent Non-executive Directors:Mr. Zhu BaoquanMr. Bai HuiliangMr. Kwong Chi Kit, VictorNon-executive Directors: Mr. Ren FulongMr. Xu LieMr. Zhao Bin < <(<)<d<e<z<<<<<<<<==$$G$Ifa$gdk@ $G$a$gdlh;$x7$8$G$H$WD2`xa$gd$7$8$G$H$a$gdlh;==3=B=M=Z=[=\=]=cY dgdGkd]$$If09 64 a$$G$Ifa$gdk@Gkd$$If09 64 a0182P. 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