ࡱ> @  !"#$%&'()*+,-./0123456789:;<=>?ABCDEFGRoot Entry F SummaryInformation(DocumentSummaryInformation8WordDocumentp  !"#$%&'()*+,-./0123456789:;<=>?@ABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQROh+'0`   (4<DLX0Hong Kong Exchanges and Clearing Limited and The Stock Exchange of Hong Kong Limited take no responsibility for the contents of this announcement, make no representation as to its accuracy or completeness and expressly disclaim any liability whatsoever fBl@ U9@: @77՜.+,D՜.+,\  !Ot (\dlKSOProductBuildVer2052-  P-KSKSp+  8,<k( $+ h.V" Hong Kong Exchanges and Clearing Limited and The Stock Exchange of Hong Kong Limited take no responsibility for the contents of this announcement, make no representation as to its accuracy or completeness and expressly disclaim any liability whatsoever for any loss howsoever arising from or in reliance upon the whole or any part of the contents of this announcement.q\qge兡N gPlQSShandong Xinhua Pharmaceutical Company Limited(a joint stock company established in the People s Republic of China with limited liability)(Stock Code: 0719)INSIDE INFORMATION: SUSPENSION OF TRADING OF A SHARES AND CONTINUATION IN TRADING OF H SHARESThis announcement is made by Shandong Xinhua Pharmaceutical Company Limited (the  Company ) pursuant to Rule 13.09(2)(a) of the Rules (the  Listing Rules ) Governing the Listing of Securities on The Stock Exchange of Hong Kong Limited (the  SEHK ) and the Inside Information Provisions (as defined under the Listing Rules) under Part XIVA of the Securities and Futures Ordinance (Chapter 571 of the Laws of Hong Kong). Suspension of trading of A sharesThe Company hereby announces that certain potential transaction(s) in relation to, inter alia, acquisition of assets (the  Potential Transactions ) are in contemplation. The Potential Transactions, if materialised, may: (i) involve the allotment and issuance of new A shares by the Company as part or whole of the consideration ( Contemplated Issuance of Consideration Shares ); and (ii) carry regulatory implications under, including without limitation, chapter 14 and 14A of the Rules Governing the Listing of Securities on the SEHK.Pursuant to the relevant laws, regulations and regulatory documents of the People s Republic of China including N^lQS͑'Ynj"u͑D}{tl (the Measures for the Administration of the Material Asset Restructurings of Listed Companies*), for the purpose of Potential Transactions the Company will need to comply with the relevant procedures required and has therefore applied to the Shenzhen Stock Exchange ( SZSE ) in accordance with its relevant regulations for suspension of trading of the A shares of the Company ( A Shares ) on the SZSE ( Suspension of Trading of A Shares ) with effect from 25 January 2018.The Company preliminarily expects that the Suspension of Trading of A Shares should not exceed one month and that resumption of the trading of A shares on the SZSE will be applied for after the review and approval of the relevant plan of the Contemplated Issuance of Consideration Shares by the board of directors of the Company (the  Board ). In the event that the Board fails to review and approve the relevant plan of the Contemplated Issuance of Consideration Shares or fails to be granted the Suspension of Trading of A Shares, the trading of A Shares on the SZSE is expected to resume no later than 23 February 2018.In the event it is decided that the Potential Transactions or the Contemplated Issuance of Consideration Shares will not proceed, the Company will not further contemplate any issuance of A Shares as consideration for acquisition of assets for at least one month s time commencing from the date of the relevant announcement on the decision not to proceed with the Contemplated Issuance of Consideration Shares.CONTINUATION IN TRADING OF H SHARESAs at the date of this announcement, the Company has not in respect of the Proposed Transaction or Contemplated Issuance of Consideration Shares entered into any agreement with legal effect. The Company will make further disclosures in compliance with the applicable regulatory requirements where required. The Board confirms that after making such enquiry with respect to the Company as is reasonable in the circumstances, it is not aware of any other information which must be disclosed to avoid a false market in the securities of the Company or of any inside information required to be disclosed under the Inside Information Provisions.Accordingly, the trading of the H shares of the Company listed on the SEHK will not be affected and will continue.The Potential Transactions and the Contemplated Issuance of Consideration Shares may or may not be materialised and the shareholders of and potential investors in the Company should exercise caution when dealing in the securities of the Company.By order of the Board Shandong Xinhua Pharmaceutical Company LimitedZhang DaimingChairman24 January 2018, Zibo, the PRCAs at the date of this announcement, the Board comprises: Executive Directors:Mr. Zhang Daiming (Chairman)Mr. Du DepingIndependent Non-executive Directors:Mr. Li WenmingMr. Du GuanhuaMr. Chan Chung Kik, LewisNon-executive Directors: Mr. Ren FulongMr. Xu LieMr. Zhao Bin* for identification purpose onlyPAGE  PAGE \* MERGEFORMAT 1  f h " $ H J L ļ|oi\PCCJPJo(5nHtH\CJPJ5nHtH\CJPJo(5nHtH\ CJ5\CJPJo(5nHtH\ CJ5\CJo( CJo(aJCJaJCJaJ6]CJPJaJ6]CJaJ6]CJPJCJPJ CJnHtHCJo(nHtHCJmH sH nHtHCJ CJ6] CJ6]CJnHtHUCJCJaJCJaJnHtHCJaJ6]  :NPRT.ǸzkWA=962/CJCJ5CJCJ5CJ5+CJOJPJQJo(^JKHmH sH nHtH'CJOJQJo(^JKHmH sH nHtHCJOJQJ^JKHmH sH CJOJQJ^JKHmH sH CJOJQJ^J5KHmH sH CJOJQJ^JKHmH sH CJOJQJ^J5KHmH sH CJOJQJ^JKHmH sH CJOJQJ^J5KHmH sH CJOJQJ^JKHmH sH CJPJo(5nHtH\CJPJ5nHtH\..vx 68VX!!!!!&&''')))))8*:*T*V*f*|vpj CJ6] CJ6] CJ5\ CJ5\ CJ5\CJCJCJo(CJ5CJ5CJCJCJCJCJCJ5CJ5CJCJCJCJCJCJPJnHtHCJCJ5CJCJCJCJ5CJCJ5CJCJ5CJCJo(CJCJCJCJ5'f*h*j*****+ +"+J+L+++++++, ,&,(,Z,^,,,,,,,,,,,Ŀ~ytoje`UCJPJaJmH sH CJaJCJaJCJaJCJaJCJaJCJaJCJaJCJaJCJaJCJaJCJaJCJaJCJaJCJaJCJaJCJaJCJaJCJaJCJaJCJaJCJaJCJaJCJaJCJaJCJaJCJaJCJaJCJCJCJKHmH sH CJ CJ6]!,(-*-,-8-:-<->-B-D-r-t-v-x-z---CJPJaJmH sH mHsHnHtHUmHsHnHtHUU0JUU0JUCJPJaJmH sH CJPJaJmH sH  h " $ J L dXD[$dYD\$a$$8$7$1$H$a$$G$H$a$$G$H$a$$G$H$a$$G$H$G$H$a$$G$H$a$$G$H$a$$G$H$a$$G$H$a$$G$H$G$H$G$H$G$8$7$H$PTxX!!!zgTdXD[$dYD\$8$7$1$H$dXD[$dYD\$8$7$1$H$dXD[$dYD\$8$7$1$H$dXD[$dYD\$8$7$1$H$dXD[$dYD\$8$7$1$H$dXD[$dYD\$8$7$1$H$dXD[$dYD\$8$7$1$H$dXD[$dYD\$8$7$1$H$dXD[$dYD\$8$7$1$H$ !&''))):*V*h*j*s`XG$8$7$H$a$$G$8$7$H$ ^ ,a$$G$8$7$H$ ^ < a$$G$8$7$H$a$$G$8$7$H$ ^ dXD[$dYD\$8$7$1$H$dXD[$dYD\$8$7$1$H$dXD[$dYD\$8$7$1$H$dXD[$dYD\$8$7$1$H$dXD[$dYD\$8$7$1$H$ j*** +"+L++++ ,(,\,G$$IfG$$IfG$$IfG$$IfG$$IfG$$IfG$$IfG$G$G$G$8$7$H$ \,^,,,,,,G$$IfG$$IfG$$IfG$$IfG$$IfS$$If444409 ,,,*->-@-B-z-|-~-vteYW 9r 9r 9r a$$9r  9r 9r 9r 9r &`+D#$dYD dYDa$$S$$If444409  ~---dYD1. 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